Connect With Supporters & Volunteers
Promote Events & Sell Tickets
Increase Donations & Fundraising
Increase Website Visitors & Conversions
Build Your Brand & Raise Awareness
Build Email Lists & Relationships

Google Ad Grants is the nonprofit arm of Google Ads. It funds nonprofits like you with $10,000 of Google Ads advertising per month to promote their missions and initiatives free on Google search result pages.

The program provides a great opportunity for nonprofits to benefit from maximum visibility on Google while spreading the word about your organization’s events, opportunities, and fundraisers without having to spend a single penny.

Get Started Today with Google Ad Grants!

Contact our team of experts today to take full advantage of the $10,000 of Google Ads advertising per month. Promote your missions and initiatives free on Google search result pages.

Did you know that the average nonprofit will only use about 3% of their $10,000 monthly budget?

This means the average nonprofit is leaving $9,700 unused per month! With our team of certified experts, we can help your nonprofit use the full $10,000 Google Ad Grant and allow you to devote your time to running your nonprofit organization.


  • A daily Ads budget set to $329, which is equivalent to about $10,000 USD per month
  • Text-based ads appearing on Google search result pages.
  • You’ll never be charged for any clicks generated!


After you are approved for your Google Ad Grant, our experts will do a complete analysis of your organization and online presence, then create and maintain your Google Ad campaigns.

We help hundreds of non-profits receive the full benefits of the grant’s $10,000 credit each month. We have been able to increase the average targeted traffic to our non-profit partners’ websites by double, and for many, we provide the vast majority of their traffic. We increase the physical traffic to their fundraisers as well. We have an understanding that goals for nonprofits can differ greatly from those of a traditional for profit company. We focus on several main directions to help your organization grow in event marketing, corporate sponsorship, volunteerism, donation development, and cause awareness.

Our experts will thoroughly get to know your organization, your goals, and your needs, then we will create Google Ad campaign tailored to your needs.
After your Campaigns and Ads have been created, we will start strategically running your Ads so relevant users see them.
Our experts don’t just “set it and forget it.” We monitor your campaign, present reports to you and then make alterations to your campaign to make sure you are getting the best results from your grant money.
The ongoing end product of all our hard work is increased exposure for your organization, new volunteers and more donations. All of this without having to spend a dime on Ads!
Ready to Get Started?